Peter Crowther

Browsing Archive: September, 2012

Ghosts With Teeth

Posted by Peter Crowther on Wednesday, September 26, 2012,
Every once in a while, I come down to start work and discover a pleasant and totally unexpected email from a happy bunny customer. Actually, to be honest, we have a lot of happy bunny customers here at PS Towers (indeed, as I’ve said on many occasions, our customer base is the most loyal and generous in the biz) but it’s the ones that come for my own work that really strike home.

This one—from a fellow author who is also an actor of some considerable repute—came just a few days ago whe...
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The turnover of seasons

Posted by Peter Crowther on Friday, September 7, 2012,
There are two special times each year for me—well, to be absolutely honest, there are hundreds and maybe even thousands of them . . . but you know what I mean. Things that happen that foretell of a significant change . . . that kind of thing. And one of them happened this week the way it always happens.
    There’s a place barely a mile from the crumbling turrets and ornate edifices of PS Towers that features a collection of animals and birds and fish (not to mention an ice cream parlour o...
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